How to Safely Pack Your Jewellery for Moving

Jewellery is one of the most delicate things you will need to pack when you are moving. If you don’t have dedicated boxes that keep your jewellery organized it can be a nightmare to pack. Below are some ways to pack your jewellery that will keep it all safe and stop it from becoming a jumbled mess.

Jewellery boxes

If you don’t already have one, you can find cheap jewellery boxes either online or in some shops. It might be worth picking up one or two that have different dividers for different types of Jewellery. This is possibly the easiest and safest method of packing away your jewellery. You can then pack these boxes into a bigger one with some more of your things to stop them from moving around and getting lost.

What if I am on a budget?

Egg cartons

If you eat eggs regularly then this is a very cheap way to store your jewellery whilst moving. Simply empty the eggs out and place rings or bracelets in each section. You can also do this with necklaces by threading the chain of the necklace through the holes in the top of the egg carton and clasp it there, keeping the rest of the necklace in the egg carton. This allows you to store multiple necklaces in one place without getting them all tangled up.

Ends of toilet rolls

This works best for bracelets and necklaces. All you need to do is slip your bracelet or necklace through the toilet roll and clasp it on the other side. This can hold multiple pieces of jewellery and will stop the chains from getting muddled up.


Straws can be used to keep your necklaces organised and separate from each other during the move. Thread the chain through the whole of the straw and clasp it on the other side. You can then place these straws inside of a bag or a small box to keep them all safe. Make sure you wrap them in something soft or line the box so that they don’t get crushed or damaged in any way.

Business cards or any spare cards

Earrings can be poked through any sort of card to ensure that they are safely transported. Just make a hole and clasp the earing to the card. This will ensure that all of your earrings are kept in one place. You can then place this into a box or a bag to ensure it is kept even safer.

Sandwich bags

Sandwich bags are a perfect way to pack your jewellery whilst you are moving. It allows you to separate your jewellery items into rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. This will make it a lot easier to unpack when you get to your new home.

If your jewellery is precious or expensive, it might be worth keeping it with you on your moving day to look after. This way you know it won’t get damaged or misplaced during the move. Pack it all away into a rucksack or bag and take that with you in your car or the transport you will be taking to your new home.

Should you need packing material of moving boxes for sale, we deliver to your door in all major cities within SA.

Published On: August 11th, 2021 / Categories: Packing & Boxes / Tags: /

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