St Helena Bay Furniture Removal Services

Biggles Moving Company offers an efficient moving service along The West Coast from St Helena Bay to Cape Town & between all major cities in South Africa. A Professional Removal Team, Closed Truck, Blankets & Strapping are all included with every furniture removal quote & service that we provide to ensure your furniture & personal effects are protected and secured in the truck. Our dedicated and professional moving teams are included in your free removal quotation and we will load, secure and offload your furniture into its designated position in your new house, flat, townhouse or offices. All Furniture Removals have an optional pack and wrap service where we comprehensively pack up your household contents and provide full protective wrapping for delicate furniture, lounge suites, mattresses and any chosen furniture items. A Protective Wrapping of selected furniture items is also optional

Explore St Helena Bay

St Helena Bay History

The site of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama’s first landing in South Africa on 7 November 1497 and was named after St Helena, a devout, influential Christian and the mother of Constantine the First. da Gama’s description as a calm and tranquil bay endures to this day. Agterbaai (Hind Bay), as it is affectionately known to locals, is located of the bay of the same name and lies approximately 150km from Cape Town.

St Helena Bay Suburbs and Location

Subdivided into various suburbs, St Helena Bay incorporates Stompneusbaai and Brittania Bay and includes eighteen smaller bays. It is ostensibly a fishing village with Sandy Point Harbour as its base. Home to a diverse number of pelagic fish, with snoek, rock lobster and crayfish found in its waters. The site of da Gama’s landing is a monument and the bay attracts whales and dolphins in numbers. The town is host to the annual St Helenabaai Seefees, an annual festival held in December.